import { Uploader } from 'rsuite';
Picture & text
Drag and drop
Initial file list
Custom file description
File check
Property | Type (Default) |
Description |
accept | string | File types that can be accepted. See input accept Attribute |
action * | string | Uploading URL |
autoUpload | boolean (true) |
Automatically upload files after selecting them |
classPrefix | string ('uploader') |
The prefix of the component CSS class |
data | Object | Upload the parameters with |
defaultFileList | Array |
List of uploaded files |
disabled | boolean | Disabled upload button |
disabledFileItem | boolean | Disabled the file list |
draggable | boolean | Enabled drag and drop to upload. |
fileList | Array |
List of uploaded files (Controlled) |
fileListVisible | boolean(true) |
The file list is visible |
headers | Object | Set Upload request Header |
listType | menu: 'text' , 'picture-text' , 'picture' ('text') |
Upload list Style |
maxPreviewFileSize | number (5242880) |
Set the maximum limit for preview files |
multiple | boolean | Allow multiple file uploads to be selected at a time |
name | string ('file') |
Upload the parameter name of the corresponding file |
onChange | (fileList: Array<FileType>) => void | callback function that the upload queue has changed |
onError | (reason: Object, file: FileType) => void | Upload callback function with error |
onPreview | (file: FileType, event: SyntheticEvent<any>) => void | In the file list, click the callback function for the uploaded file |
onProgress | (percent: number, file: FileType) => void | Callback functions that upload progress changes |
onRemove | (file: FileType) => void | In the file list, click the callback function to delete a file |
onReupload | (file: FileType) => void | In the file list, for uploading failed files, click the callback function to upload |
onSuccess | (response: Object, file: FileType) => void | callback function after successful upload |
onUpload | (file: FileType) => void | The callback function that starts the upload file |
renderFileInfo | (file: FileType, fileElement: React.Node) => React.Node | Custom render file information |
removable | boolean (true) |
Removable list file |
shouldQueueUpdate | (fileList: Array<FileType>, newFile: Array<FileType>, FileType) => boolean | Promise<boolean> | Allow the queue to be updated. After you select a file, update the checksum function before the upload file queue, and return false to not update |
shouldUpload | (file: FileType) => boolean | Promise<boolean> | Allow uploading of files. Check function before file upload, return false without uploading |
timeout | number | Set upload timeout |
toggleComponentClass | React.ElementType ('button') |
You can use a custom element for this component |
withCredentials | boolean | Whether to carry cookies when uploading requests |