
Commonly used operating buttons, button combinations, button layouts.

  • <Button> is the most basic element in the component, you can quickly create a styled button.
  • <IconButton> Button with icon.
  • <ButtonGroup> Button group control can put a group of buttons together and control the layout.
  • <ButtonToolbar> Button Toolbar Controls.


import { Button, IconButton, ButtonGroup, ButtonToolbar } from 'rsuite';




appearance property can set appearance of button:

  • 'default'(default) default button.
  • 'primary' Emphasi, guide button.
  • 'link' Button like link.
  • 'subtle' Weakened button.
  • 'ghost' Ghost button, background transparent, place button on background element.


The size property sets the button size, options includes: 'lg', 'md', 'sm', 'xs'.

Colorful button

The color property sets the button style, Options include: 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'cyan', 'blue', 'violet'.

Custom combination button


<IconButton> is a component designed for icon buttons that sets the icon required for the Icon property definition. Only the icon button can be set to a round button.


This is generally applicable to flow layouts, or to full rows at the top and bottom of a container.

setting block property。

Disabled state

Active state

Loading State


Vertical ButtonGroup

Button Toolbar


The buttons are laid out horizontally in the button set and are equally wide.



Property Type (Default) Description
active boolean A button can show it is currently the active user selection
appearance enum: 'default', 'primary', 'link', 'subtle', 'ghost'
A button can have different appearances
block boolean Spans the full width of the Button parent
children * React.Node Primary content
classPrefix string ('btn') The prefix of the component CSS class
color enum: 'red', 'orange','yellow', 'green',
'cyan', 'blue', 'violet'
A button can have different colors
componentClass React.ElementType ('button') You can use a custom element for this component
disabled boolean A button can show it is currently unable to be interacted with
href string Providing a href will render an a element
loading boolean A button can show a loading indicator
size enum: 'lg', 'md', 'sm', 'xs' ('md') A button can have different sizes


Iconbutton extends all props of Button

Property Type (Default) Description
circle boolean Set circle button
classPrefix string ('btn-icon') The prefix of the component CSS class
icon React.Element<typeof Icon> Set the icon of button
placement enum: 'left', 'right' ('left') The placement of icon


Property Type (Default) Description
block boolean Display block buttongroups
classPrefix string ('btn-group') The prefix of the component CSS class
justified boolean Horizontal constant width layout
size enum: lg, md, sm, xs Set button size
vertical boolean Vertical layouts of button
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