For a single data selection, support grouping.
import { SelectPicker } from 'rsuite';
Tip: When set to
, try to scroll the page, or change the browser size, it will automatically appear in the right place.
Custom Option
Disable Search
Container and prevent overflow
Property | Type (Default) |
Description |
appearance | enum: 'default', 'subtle' ('default') |
Set picker appearence |
block | boolean | Blocking an entire row |
classPrefix | string ('picker') |
The prefix of the component CSS class |
cleanable | boolean (true) |
Whether the option can be emptied. |
container | HTMLElement or (() => HTMLElement) | Sets the rendering container |
data * | Array<DataItemType> | Selectable data |
defaultValue | string | Default value |
disabled | boolean | Whether or not component is disabled |
disabledItemValues | string[] | Disable optional |
groupBy | string | Set grouping criteria 'key' in 'data' |
labelKey | string ('label') |
Set options to display the 'key' in 'data' |
listProps | listprops | List-related properties in react-virtualized |
maxHeight | number (320) |
Set the max height of the Dropdown |
menuClassName | string | A css class to apply to the Menu DOM node. |
menuStyle | React.CSSProperties | A style to apply to the Menu DOM node. |
onChange | (value:string, event) => void | callback function when value changes |
onClean | (event:SyntheticEvent) => void | Callback fired when value clean |
onClose | () => void | Close callback functions |
onEnter | () => void | Callback fired before the overlay transitions in |
onEntered | () => void | Callback fired after the overlay finishes transitioning in |
onEntering | () => void | Callback fired as the overlay begins to transition in |
onExit | () => void | Callback fired right before the overlay transitions out |
onExited | () => void | Callback fired after the overlay finishes transitioning out |
onExiting | () => void | Callback fired as the overlay begins to transition out |
onGroupTitleClick | (event) => void | Click the callback function for the group header |
onOpen | () => void | Open callback function |
onSearch | (searchKeyword:string, event) => void | callback function for Search |
onSelect | (value:string, item: DataItemType , event) => void | option is clicked after the selected callback function |
placeholder | React.Node ('Select') |
Setting placeholders |
placement | enum: Placement('bottomStart') |
The placement of component |
preventOverflow | boolean | Prevent floating element overflow |
renderExtraFooter | () => React.Node | custom render extra footer |
renderMenu | (menu:React.Node) => React.Node | Customizing the Rendering Menu list |
renderMenuGroup | (groupTitle:React.Node, item:DataItemType) => React.Node | Custom Render Options Group |
renderMenuItem | (label:React.Node, item:DataItemType) => React.Node | Custom Render Options |
renderValue | (value:string, item: DataItemType,selectedElement:React.Node) => React.Node | Custom Render selected options |
searchBy | (keyword: string, label: React.ReactNode, item: ItemDataType) => boolean | Custom search rules |
searchable | boolean (true) |
Whether you can search for options. |
size | enum: 'lg', 'md', 'sm', 'xs' ('md') |
A picker can have different sizes |
sort | (isGroup: boolean) => (a: any, b: any) => number | Sort options |
toggleComponentClass | React.ElementType ('a') |
You can use a custom element for this component |
value | string | Value (Controlled) |
valueKey | string ('value') |
Set option value 'key' in 'data' |
virtualized | boolean (true) |
Whether using Virtualized List |