
Schema can define a data model for validating data, and can validate Form component data.

  • Schema.Model Defining Data Model objects
  • Schema.Types Provides a set of data types:
    • StringType
    • NumberType
    • ArrayType
    • DateType
    • ObjectType
    • BooleanType


import { Schema } from 'rsuite';

const { StringType, NumberType } = Schema.Types;
const userModel = Schema.Model({
  username: StringType().isRequired('User name is required'),
  email: StringType().isEmail('Please enter the correct email'),
  age: NumberType('Age should be a number').range(
    'Age should be 18-30 years old'

const checkResult = userModel.check({
  username: 'foobar',
  email: '',
  age: 40


Output: checkResult

  username: { hasError: false },
  email: { hasError: false },
  age: { hasError: true, errorMessage: 'Age should be 18-30 years old' }

Multiple authentication

  .minLength(6, 'The field cannot be less than 6 characters')
  .maxLength(30, 'The field cannot be greater than 30 characters')
  .isRequired('This field is required');

Custom verification

Customize a rule with the addRule function.

If you are validating a string type of data, you can set a regular expression for custom validation by the pattern method.

const model = Schema.Model({
  field1: StringType().addRule((value, data) => {
    return /^[1-9][0-9]{3}\s?[a-zA-Z]{2}$/.test(value);
  }, 'Please enter legal characters'),
  field2: StringType().pattern(
    'Please enter legal characters'

model.check({ field1: '', field2: '' });

  field1: {
    hasError: true,
    errorMessage: 'Please enter legal characters'
  field2: {
    hasError: true,
    errorMessage: 'Please enter legal characters'

Custom verification - multi-field cross validation

E.g: verify that the two passwords are the same.

const model = Schema.Model({
  password1: StringType().isRequired('This field required'),
  password2: StringType().addRule((value, data) => {
    if (value !== data.password1) {
      return false;
    return true;
  }, 'The passwords are inconsistent twice')

model.check({ password1: '123456', password2: 'root' });

  password1: { hasError: false },
  password2: {
    hasError: true,
    errorMessage: 'The passwords are inconsistent twice'

Custom verification - Asynchronous check

For example, verify that the mailbox is duplicated

function asyncCheckEmail(email) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      if (email === '') {
      } else {
    }, 500);

const model = SchemaModel({
  email: StringType()
    .isEmail('Please input the correct email address')
    .addRule((value, data) => {
      return asyncCheckEmail(value);
    }, 'Email address already exists')
    .isRequired('This field cannot be empty')

model.checkAsync({ email: '' }).then(result => {

  email: {
    hasError: true,
    errorMessage: 'Email address already exists'

Validate nested objects

Validate nested objects, which can be defined using the ObjectType().shape method. E.g:

const model = Schema.Model({
  id: NumberType().isRequired('This field required'),
  name: StringType().isRequired('This field required'),
  info: ObjectType().shape({
    email: StringType().isEmail('Should be an email'),
    age: NumberType().min(18, 'Age should be greater than 18 years old')

It is more recommended to flatten the object.

import { flaser } from 'object-flaser';

const model = Schema.Model({
  id: NumberType().isRequired('This field required'),
  name: StringType().isRequired('This field required'),
  '': StringType().isEmail('Should be an email'),
  'info.age': NumberType().min(18, 'Age should be greater than 18 years old')

const user = flaser({
  id: 1,
  name: 'schema-type',
  info: {
    email: '',
    age: 17



SchemaModel provides a static method combine that can be combined with multiple SchemaModel to return a new SchemaModel.

const model1 = Schema.Model({
  username: StringType().isRequired('This field required'),
  email: StringType().isEmail('Should be an email')

const model2 = Schema.Model({
  username: StringType().minLength(7, "Can't be less than 7 characters"),
  age: NumberType().range(18, 30, 'Age should be greater than 18 years old')

const model3 = Schema.Model({
  groupId: NumberType().isRequired('This field required')

const model4 = Schema.Model.combine(model1, model2, model3);

  username: 'foobar',
  email: '',
  age: 40,
  groupId: 1


  • StringType
  • NumberType
  • ArrayType
  • DateType
  • ObjectType
  • BooleanType


  • isRequired(errorMessage: string, trim: boolean = true)
StringType().isRequired('This field required');
  • isEmail(errorMessage: string)
StringType().isEmail('Please input the correct email address');
  • isURL(errorMessage: string)
StringType().isURL('Please enter the correct URL address');
  • isOneOf(items: Array, errorMessage: string)
  ['Javascript', 'CSS'],
  'Can only type `Javascript` and `CSS`'
  • containsLetter(errorMessage: string)
StringType().containsLetter('Must contain English characters');
  • containsUppercaseLetter(errorMessage: string)
  'Must contain uppercase English characters'
  • containsLowercaseLetter(errorMessage: string)
  'Must contain lowercase English characters'
  • containsLetterOnly(errorMessage: string)
StringType().containsLetterOnly('English characters that can only be included');
  • containsNumber(errorMessage: string)
StringType().containsNumber('Must contain numbers');
  • pattern(regExp: RegExp, errorMessage: string)
  'Please enter legal characters'
  • rangeLength(minLength: number, maxLength: number, errorMessage: string)
  'The number of characters can only be between 6 and 30'
  • minLength(minLength: number, errorMessage: string)
StringType().minLength(6, 'Minimum 6 characters required');
  • maxLength(maxLength: number, errorMessage: string)
StringType().maxLength(30, 'The maximum is only 30 characters.');
  • addRule(onValid: Function, errorMessage: string)
StringType().addRule((value, data) => {
  return /^[1-9][0-9]{3}\s?[a-zA-Z]{2}$/.test(value);
}, 'Please enter a legal character.');


  • isRequired(errorMessage: string)
NumberType().isRequired('This field required');
  • isInteger(errorMessage: string)
NumberType().isInteger('It can only be an integer');
  • isOneOf(items: Array, errorMessage: string)
NumberType().isOneOf([5, 10, 15], 'Can only be `5`, `10`, `15`');
  • pattern(regExp: RegExp, errorMessage: string)
NumberType().pattern(/^[1-9][0-9]{3}$/, 'Please enter a legal character.');
  • range(minLength: number, maxLength: number, errorMessage: string)
NumberType().range(18, 40, 'Please enter a number between 18 - 40');
  • min(min: number, errorMessage: string)
NumberType().min(18, 'Minimum 18');
  • max(max: number, errorMessage: string)
NumberType().max(40, 'Maximum 40');
  • addRule(onValid: Function, errorMessage: string)
NumberType().addRule((value, data) => {
  return value % 5 === 0;
}, 'Please enter a valid number');


  • isRequired(errorMessage: string)
ArrayType().isRequired('This field required');
  • rangeLength(minLength: number, maxLength: number, errorMessage: string)
ArrayType().rangeLength(1, 3, 'Choose at least one, but no more than three');
  • minLength(minLength: number, errorMessage: string)
ArrayType().minLength(1, 'Choose at least one');
  • maxLength(maxLength: number, errorMessage: string)
ArrayType().maxLength(3, "Can't exceed three");
  • unrepeatable(errorMessage: string)
ArrayType().unrepeatable('Duplicate options cannot appear');
  • of(type: Object, errorMessage: string)
ArrayType().of(StringType().isEmail(), 'wrong format');
  • addRule(onValid: Function, errorMessage: string)
ArrayType().addRule((value, data) => {
  return value.length % 2 === 0;
}, 'Good things are in pairs');


  • isRequired(errorMessage: string)
DateType().isRequired('This field required');
  • range(min: Date, max: Date, errorMessage: string)
  new Date('08/01/2017'),
  new Date('08/30/2017'),
  'Date should be between 08/01/2017 - 08/30/2017'
  • min(min: Date, errorMessage: string)
DateType().min(new Date('08/01/2017'), 'Minimum date 08/01/2017');
  • max(max: Date, errorMessage: string)
DateType().max(new Date('08/30/2017'), 'Maximum date 08/30/2017');
  • addRule(onValid: Function, errorMessage: string)
DateType().addRule((value, data) => {
  return value.getDay() === 2;
}, 'Can only choose Tuesday');


  • isRequired(errorMessage: string)
ObjectType().isRequired('This field required');
  • shape(type: Object)
  email: StringType().isEmail('Should be an email'),
  age: NumberType().min(18, 'Age should be greater than 18 years old')
  • addRule(onValid: Function, errorMessage: string)
ObjectType().addRule((value, data) => {
  if ( || {
    return true;
  return false;
}, 'Id and email must have one that cannot be empty');


  • isRequired(errorMessage: string)
BooleanType().isRequired('This field required');
  • addRule(onValid: Function, errorMessage: string)
ObjectType().addRule((value, data) => {
  if (typeof value === 'undefined' && A === 10) {
    return false;
  return true;
}, 'This value is required when A is equal to 10');

⚠️ Notes

Default check priority:

  • 1.isRequired
  • 2.All other checks are executed in sequence

If the third argument to addRule is true, the priority of the check is as follows:

  • 1.addRule
  • 2.isRequired
  • 3.Predefined rules (if there is no isRequired, value is empty, the rule is not executed)
🎉 v5 is released! Head to the v5 documentation to get started.