V3 upgrade to V4 considerations

There are some breaking changes to upgrading to V4 that require some tweaking.

1.Directory changes introduced by style files

Because the Dark theme has been added to V4, the directory structure has been adjusted.

Import directory changes for less files:

- import 'rsuite/styles/less/index.less';
+ import 'rsuite/lib/styles/index.less';  // or 'rsuite/lib/styles/themes/default/index.less'

Import directory changes for css files:

- import 'rsuite/dist/styles/rsuite.css';
+ import 'rsuite/dist/styles/rsuite-default.css';

2.Dropdown, Whisper, all Picker attribute placement value changes

type Placement4 = 'top' | 'bottom' | 'right' | 'left';
type Placement8 =
- | 'bottomLeft'
+ | 'bottomStart'
- | 'bottomRight'
+ | 'bottomEnd'
- | 'topLeft'
+ | 'topStart'
- | 'topRight'
+ | 'topEnd'
- | 'leftTop'
+ | 'leftStart'
- | 'leftBottom'
+ | 'leftEnd'
- | 'rightTop'
+ | 'rightStart'
- | 'rightBottom';
+ | 'rightEnd';
type PlacementAuto =
  | 'auto'
- | 'autoVerticalLeft'
+ | 'autoVerticalStart'
- | 'autoVerticalRight'
+ | 'autoVerticalEnd'
- | 'autoHorizontalTop'
+ | 'autoHorizontalStart'
- | 'autoHorizontalBottom';
+ | 'autoHorizontalEnd';

3.Priority change for addRule method calls in Schema

3.0 version call priority

  • addRule
  • isRequired
  • Predefined verification method

Modified version of the 4.0 version

  • isRequired
  • Other predefined validation methods and addRule are executed in sequence

If you want to revert to the previous priority, addRule adds a third parameter to adjust the priority, the default is false, if set to true then the highest priority. Will be executed first.

4.TreePicker and CheckTreePicker discard the expandAll property

The TreePicker and the CheckTreePicker deprecated the expandAll property and added the expandItemValues ​​property to expand the specified node.

5.CheckTreePicker onSelect method parameter change

- onSelect (activeNode:DataItemType, layer:number, values:string[]) => void
+ onSelect (activeNode: any, value: any, event: React.SyntheticEvent<any>) => void;

6.Upgrade babel-preset-rsuite

Due to the adjustments on the catalog, if the on-demand loading tool babel-preset-rsuite is used in the project, you need to upgrade to the 4.0.0 version.

npm i babel-preset-rsuite@4.0.0
🎉 v5 is released! Head to the v5 documentation to get started.